Advanced Tone Mapping

The original version of this can be found at but the gimp registry is now defunct. It can also be found at

This continues to work, albeit with many deprecation warnings, in late versions of gimp-2.10. It does not work in forthcoming gimp-3 and I am waiting for documentation on (non-Python) scripting to appear after gimp-3 is released.

With the changes in gimp-2.10, and particularly on larger photos, the default settings tended to crash. See e.g. gimpusers mirror of the list

Following the suggestion from Helmut Jarausch I altered this to use per-mille instead of percent for the amount of gaussian blue. I then increased the default amount (which had been 10%) from 10‰ to 25‰. You may gather that I prefer filters where I can keep to the default values!

This works on publically-available photos areound 6000x4000 pixels, but increaing the amount, or using it on larger images, can again fail.

Get it here: advancedtonemapping-2.10.scm.

Before and after

These are a couple of negative scans from 2002 (on the Selketalbahn in Germany), to show what this does - reduced to be small enough for side-by-side viewing.

Leaving Gernrode, before Leaving Gernrode, after
Leaving Gernrode, camera jpg same, with Advanced Tone Mapping
99 5906 at Alexisbad, before 99 5906 at Alexisbad, after
99 5906 at Alexisbad, camera jpg same, with Advanced Tone Mapping

Ken Moffat, 2019-08-06. E&OE