Zarniwhoop, his home page

last updated 2024-06-23

Current contents

Analysis of TTF and OTF font coverage

Gimp plugin to use three versions of a raw image

Modified Advanced Tone Mapping gimp plugin

The remaining items are just odds and ends.

Console fonts

Miscellaneous for Console keyboard

Xorg Keyboard stuff

My latex test files

Asymptote (non-tex) testfiles


Recent updates

2024-06-23 For the TTF-OTF-notes, and for this page, use dark mode and a Sans font. Remaining old items not affected.

2024-06-01 A further fix for the WenQuanYi Zen Hei languages file, letting XeLaTeX do the line breaks for my simple examples (polyglossia is not needed). I have also updated the Noto download links for NotoCJK including the old monospace fonts.

2024-05-29 Reworked details for general Sans fonts (but not yet listing what those with Small capitals support). I have now reworked their languages files to avoid overflowing the right nargin. I hope to eventually also do that for Serif fonts, and perhaps for monospace.

2023-12-12 Updated details for Modern Serif fonts, including the lipsum PDF and details of those with Small capitals.

2023-12-08 Corrected most PDF-languages files with Russian alphabet, see the changelog for details.

2023-12-05 I've now updated lipsum-serif-oldstyle.pdf together with the details of font weights, available small caps and italics.

2023-11-08 The main changes are that I split up some of the TTF/OTF files, particularly for the changelog and the links to download the fonts, but also for details of my current process. Beyond that I have created a new lipsum PDF, lipsum-serif-transitional.pdf with more details of font weights and available small caps and italics.

There is a new page starting to list fonts with small caps, starting with the Transitional Serif fonts, and another new page for you to copy if you want to look at the available weights from a font you have installed (under 'About Variable fonts and font weights').

More fixes to alphabets.

2023-10-20 Third batch of uploaded details for revised fonts and updated languages files. Replaced Droid Sans Fallback Full (no-longer available) with Droid Sans Fallback, replaced the unmaintained LinLibertine fonts with their Libertinus forks.

Updated the names of Source Sans and Source Serif to '3' and '4'.

Added Libertinus Sans, Common Serif, Atkinson Hyperlegible, Cascadia Code, Cascadia Mono, Go Mono, Go, Intel One Mono, OpenDyslexic.

Updated the UDHR text for some languages and corrected a few items in my cyrillic alphabets.

2023-09-08 Second batch of uploaded details for revised fonts and updated languages files.

2023-08-30 First batch of uploaded details for revised fonts.

2023-08-14 I fixed some typos in the TTF and OTF font page, and updated the links so that they all work again. Some simplification of how I present those links. Many of the fonts are now newer than the versions I looked at, details have probably changed e.g. some are now TTF instead of OTF.